There is more than one way for how to say kale in Spanish! You can say “col rizada” or “col de Bruselas“. Both phrases mean “kale,” but they have slightly different pronunciations.
“Col rizada” is the most common way to say “kale” in Spanish. This phrase is pronounced like “kahl-r-e-zah-dah.”
“Col de Bruselas” is a less common way to say kale, but it is still widely used. This phrase is pronounced like “kahl-deh-broo-sell-zah.”
How Do You Say Kale in Spanish?
Both phrases are correct, but only one is considered more informal. If you’re not sure of the level of formality, stick to “col rizada,” and you will be fine!
Both “col rizada” and “col de Bruselas” mean “kale,” but they have different pronunciations. “Col rizada” is the most common way to say “kale” in Spanish and is pronounced like “kahl-r-e-zah-dah.” “Col de Bruselas” is a less common way to say kale, but it is still widely used and is pronounced like “kahl-deh-broo-sell-zah”. Whichever phrase you choose, you will be speaking “kale” correctly in Spanish!
Quick Answer: How Do You Say Zombie in Spanish?
Zombie: el zombi, el zombie (masculine and feminine)
zombies: los zombis, zombies. ( plurals )
zombi: el zombi ( masculine singular noun )
zombies: los zombies ( masculine plural noun )
How do you say “change” in Spanish?
cambio (n.) – change (currency)
cambiar (v.) – to change
el cambio – change (weather)
cambios – changes
Question: How Do You Say Mango in Spanish?
Mango is a delicious fruit that many people enjoy all over the world. But how do you say mango in Spanish?
The word for mango in Spanish is “mango.” This word is pronounced like “mahng-goh.”
How Do You Say Aubrey in Spanish?
There is no one definitive way to say “Aubrey” in Spanish. Depending on the country and region, the pronunciation may vary significantly. However, a few common ways to say it include “ah-BREE,” “ah-bree-YEH,” or “ah-vree”. If you’re not sure how to pronounce it, listen to someone say the name out loud.
A Spanish speaker might tell you that “Aubrey” isn’t a complicated word to pronounce, but just in case there are any complications, here is how you might say it:
- Ah-BREE is probably one of the most popular ways to say “Aubrey” and is used in regions like Spain and the Philippines.
- Ah-bree-YEH – “Aubrey” can also be said as if it were spelled “Alvry.” This pronunciation, which is used sparingly, can be found in Puerto Rico and Uruguay.
- Ah-vree – This is the French pronunciation of “Aubrey.” If you’re traveling in a French-speaking country, it might be helpful to know this variation.
No matter which way you choose to say it, make sure to practice the correct accent! Pronouncing “Aubrey” incorrectly can confuse or even unintentionally insult someone. So, if you’re not sure how to say it, be sure to ask someone for help. And above all, have fun using your new Spanish name!